IPSplot 3.71
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Beckwith Electric Co. Inc
ISOPLOT is a flexible software tool for the analysis and interpretation of radiogenic-isotope data. It is developed by Dr Ken Ludwig of the Berkeley Geochronology Center.
Isoplot can:
-Construct U-Pb concordia plots and calculate ages using conventional concordia intercepts, the “Concordia Age” algorithm, 3-D planar concordia intercepts, or 3-D linear (“Total U/Pb”) isochrons;
-Calculate uranium-series isochron ages using 3-D or 2-D isochrons and construct 230Th/238U-234U/238U evolution curves and isochrons;
-Construct single-stage growth-curves for plots of common-Pb data;
-Construct cumulative-probability histogram plots and linearized-probability diagrams;
-Calculate and construct